INTRODUCTION Introduction to robotics Electronics Concepts of electronics Introduction to electronic components LEDs Resistors, Potentiometer, Capacitors, etc Sensors Breadboard Soldering …
Programs Accredited by Govt. Bodies
- Introduction to robotics
- Electronics
- Concepts of electronics
- Introduction to electronic components
- Resistors, Potentiometer, Capacitors, etc
- Breadboard
- Soldering Machine
- Arduino
- Introduction to LED, its structure and working conditions
- Single LED with Arduino
- Interfacing single LED with Arduino
- Programming LED with Arduino
- Single LED Pattern generation
- Fading single LED
- Multiple LEDs with Arduino
- Interfacing multiple LEDs with Arduino
- Powering concepts with multiple LEDs
- Multiple LED Pattern
- Fading and brightness control of multiple LEDs
- Introduction to LCD Display
- Application of 16x2 LCD Display
- Programming of 16x2 LCD Display
- Interfacing of LCD with Arduino
- Keypad Control
- Interfacing and working of keypad with Arduino
- Programming keypad
- Interfacing LCD with Keypad
- Working of keypad with LCD
- Displaying keypad numbers in LCD
- Matching keypad data with other numbers
- Introduction to EEPROM
- Saving data into Arduino EEPROM
- Comparing keypad data with EEPROM
- Introduction to DC Motor
- Interfacing of motors with Arduino
- Powering concepts of motors
- PWM Concept
- Introduction to L293D Motor Driver
- Interfacing and studying the needs of motor driver
- Debugging the motor motion
- Interfacing wheels with motors
- Speed control of motor wheels (Duty Cycle)
- Programming
- Moving robot wheels in desired direction
- Concept of timings and motion duration
- Assembly
- Assembling robot body and wheels with motor connections
- Introduction to MIT App Inventor
- Building a small application of buttons with app inventor
- Introduction to HC-05 Bluetooth module
- Interfacing Bluetooth module with Arduino
- Programming concepts of Bluetooth shield
- Concept of mobile frequency
- Introduction to DTMF Module and interfacing
- Programming
- Introduction
- Relay interfacing
- Programming