INTRODUCTION Introduction to robotics Electronics Concepts of electronics Introduction to electronic components LEDs Resistors, Potentiometer, Capacitors, etc Sensors Breadboard Soldering …

Our Alumni’s works in

Programs Accredited by Govt. Bodies

  1. Introduction to robotics
  2. Electronics
  3. Concepts of electronics
  4. Introduction to electronic components
  1. Resistors, Potentiometer, Capacitors, etc
  1. Breadboard
  1. Soldering Machine
  2. Arduino
Fundamental concepts, structure and design Introduction to Programming Languages LED Mini Project
  1. Introduction to LED, its structure and working conditions
  2. Single LED with Arduino
  3. Interfacing single LED with Arduino
  4. Programming LED with Arduino
  5. Single LED Pattern generation
  6. Fading single LED
  7. Multiple LEDs with Arduino
  8. Interfacing multiple LEDs with Arduino
  9. Powering concepts with multiple LEDs
  10. Multiple LED Pattern
  11. Fading and brightness control of multiple LEDs
Project: RGB LED Shades and Patterns via Arduino   Keypad Mini Project
  1. Introduction to LCD Display
  2. Application of 16x2 LCD Display
  3. Programming of 16x2 LCD Display
  4. Interfacing of LCD with Arduino
  5. Keypad Control
  6. Interfacing and working of keypad with Arduino
  7. Programming keypad
  8. Interfacing LCD with Keypad
  9. Working of keypad with LCD
  10. Displaying keypad numbers in LCD
  11. Matching keypad data with other numbers
  12. Introduction to EEPROM
  13. Saving data into Arduino EEPROM
  14. Comparing keypad data with EEPROM
Project: Password based system Controlled Motion Robot
  1. Introduction to DC Motor
  2. Interfacing of motors with Arduino
  3. Powering concepts of motors
  4. PWM Concept
  5. Introduction to L293D Motor Driver
  6. Interfacing and studying the needs of motor driver
  7. Debugging the motor motion
  8. Interfacing wheels with motors
  9. Speed control of motor wheels (Duty Cycle)
  10. Programming
  11. Moving robot wheels in desired direction
  12. Concept of timings and motion duration
  13. Assembly
  14. Assembling robot body and wheels with motor connections
Project: Motion controlled robot moving in a desired set of directions Bluetooth Controlled Robot
  1. Introduction to MIT App Inventor
  2. Building a small application of buttons with app inventor
  3. Introduction to HC-05 Bluetooth module
  4. Interfacing Bluetooth module with Arduino
  5. Programming concepts of Bluetooth shield
Projects: a: Button controlled application based project b: Speech Controlled robot DTMF Controlled Robot
  1. Concept of mobile frequency
  2. Introduction to DTMF Module and interfacing
  3. Programming
Home Automation
  1. Introduction
  2. Relay interfacing
  3. Programming

Course Curriculum