The DIYguru Project to Promote Maker Culture In India
The DIYguru Project to Promote Maker Culture In India
The DIYguru Project is an Indian non-profit organization, that is purposed to help underserved high school and college students to prepare for the future. The social enterprise also aims to promote maker culture in India by providing practical skills, transforming Indian colleges and high schools into places that inspire students and adequately prepare them spurring the great wave of experimentalism, convention-breaking, and do-it-yourself attitude.
The organization’s mission is to provide students the advantage of Job Opportunity and Entrepreneurship in Manufacturing Sectors by giving Skill based Training through DIY Learning approach and inspire young Indians to live with passion and purpose progressing to changing the world.
In its pilot phase, DIYguru worked with urban public high schools and colleges, embedding in each school a full-time DIY Mentor, a new position that the organization designed with experts. It establishes societies in High Schools & Colleges, responsible for promoting Innovation in the field of Automobile, Robotics, Aeronautics, Self Driving Car, Artificial Intelligence, Mechatronics, Machine Learning and other futuristic new ideas, promoting Govt. of India’s initiative – Make in India.
As of 2017, DIYguru is working with 5,000 engineering students across Delhi, Pune, Bangalore & Bhubaneswar in partnership with BAJA Tutor for it’s Vehicle Dynamics and BAJA Courses.
The DIYguru Project— which works based on learning-through-doing (active learning) in a social environment, creating informal, networked, peer-led, and shared learning motivated by fun and self-fulfilment, recruits staff members called DIY Mentors and trains them at a summer DIYguru Academy, deploying one mentor to each partnered high school and College. They then work with students teaching, providing coaching, counseling about their growth, and applying maker-culture change techniques to motivate students. They provide mentorship to students to be responsible to be able to do things themselves, cultivating their own future. The DIY Mentors begin with a listening tour of students, faculty, and community members and then help in crafting one project for the school or college. Upon doing so, they build a DIY Team of students called DIYguru Fellows. DIYguru Fellows subsequently develop and launch their own DIYguru Projects – individual projects that the students develop over the period of a year or less with the help of an adult volunteer from the local community. DIY Fellows are also charged with a responsibility of serving as “DIY Mentors” for their peers, changing school/College culture through a step-by-step collaboration among the community to build a variety of projects, serving as leaders within the school / college community.
Over time, DIYguru Mentors work with hundreds of students to engage them in the process of helping them to discover a big idea, believe in themselves and the team, and turn their dream, real. As they do so, DIY Mentors work with DIY Team members to change the school’s culture.