Program Details
Placement Support
The training is designed by the experts in the Electric Vehicle industry primarily for the students to equip themselves with the right set of skills required in the industry. The training will be executed by the professionals and in the presence of our DIYguru experts and within the standard safety measures.
Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of attendance, sincerity in the class, knowledge of subject and expertise of electric vehicle obtained during the training. DIYguru will provide a min. of two companies to the candidates for attending the interview and receive placement.
Admission Requirements
Students are required to have min. educational qualification of Senior Secondary examination, with ITI / Diploma, Polytechnique as the added advantage for selection into the programme.
Admission test will evaluate the candiate on the basis of aptitude and automotive knowledge.
Fee structure
Registration Fee: 5,000 INR (Refundable in case of non-selection after the admission test)
Training Fee: 20,000 INR (Registration fee will be adjusted into the total traning fee upon selection in the training programme.)
For further details, call us at +91 7428 989898
The government is going full throttle in its efforts to realise the ambition of making India an electric vehicle hub by 2030. With Delhi Government Permit for Diesel Vehicles To Be Retrofitted With Electric Kit, opportunities in this sector has come now for everyone to know and understand what is the future ahead and how they can utilise this opportunity in terms of business. A step to boost EVs in the national capital, the government also announced that electric light commercial vehicles (e-LCV) will be allowed entry on about 250 roads during no-entry hours.
This coupled with the rise of Electric Vehicle retrofitting for old cars as an economically viable option has opend up an entirely new sector and opportunities for businesses.
The aim of the training program is to make the participants understand the EV Retrofitting Technology, Business Models, Status and future of the retrofitted electric vehicle market in India, Technical and economic viability of retrofitting, challenges in retrofitting 2W/3W/4W buses and freight and Policy, regulation and safety issues related to electric vehicle retrofitting etc.