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Terms of Use

Terms and conditions of use

DIYguru is a registered trademark and logo of DIYGURU EDUCATION AND RESEARCH PRIVATE LTD. COMPANY and its content, including images /creatives/iconography, courses, videos, and texts, is the property of DIYguru or licensed. If any of the above elements/styles/videos/courses/content is reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of DIYguru, the necessary legal action will be initiated.


Access to grants the right to private and non-exclusive use of the site. All the elements published on this site, whether or not they are registered as trademarks or any other reason, including or not acronyms such as TM, ®, or ©, as well as the presentation and content of all articles, logos and images, including Texts, images, photographs, computer graphics, courses, video logos, trademarks are intellectual works as defined by the Intellectual Property Code. These works are the exclusive property of DIYguru Education and Research Pvt. Ltd. Any use, reproduction, representation, diffusion or re-diffusion, modification, adaptation, total or partial translation of the contents of this website in any medium or by any means (including, among others, caching, framing), as well as any sale, release, retransmission or any other act intended to make such content available to any third party in any way that is prohibited.

Failure to comply with these restrictions will constitute a forgery that compromises the civil and criminal liability of the forger.

Ordering from DIYguru Education and Research Private Ltd.

1. Place your orders on the website and send some basic information according to your requirements.
2. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible to discuss all the details directly when choosing the courses. They are involved in the whole process. We make sure that our clients get exactly what they want, and we want them to learn from our courses and increase their productivity.
3. DIYguru Education Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to refuse and refuse communication and knowledge (including and without undue cancellation) to persons who do not comply with Community ethics and to use, threaten and threaten communication with (including, without limitation) improper conduct with DIYguru but not limited to) social media / public review platforms) to defame or undermine DIYguru. All the above conditions are absolute.
4. These are the terms and conditions valid from the day you purchase one of our courses or work with us in any way. Please read them carefully as you are bound to them. These Terms constitute a binding agreement. There are no verbal or written representations, warranties, prior agreements or description services, other than those specified herein. The contract and booking are completed with DIYguru and the services are provided by DIYguru. You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, which govern the relationship, cancellation policy and limitations of liability. These terms and conditions affect your rights and determine the applicable law and forum for resolving any disputes.

All persons wishing to place an ordr for a course, have read and understood the following conditions carefully. By placing an order with DIYguru Education Pvt. or their agents accept on behalf
of you and all persons named on the booking, including minors and persons with disabilities, that you are bound by these terms. An order will be accepted from the date DIYguru Education Pvt. Ltd. sends a confirmation or e-mail or invoice. At this point there is a contract between DIYguru Education Pvt. Ltd. and the customer arises. Before your course is confirmed and a contract enters into
force, DIYguru Education Pvt. Reserves the right to increase or decrease the prices of Brochures / Online Courses. DIYguru Education Pvt. Ltd. or their representatives reserve the right to refuse the course at their discretion. The persons named on the orders placed are hereinafter referred to as "customers". These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between DIYguru Education Pvt. Ltd. and the customer relating to the subject matter hereof and form a binding agreement. There is neither oral nor written. Representation, warranty, prior agreement or description of services, unless otherwise stated. PRICES, 


The prices of the courses published online prices may rise or fall from the time of publication. DIYguru Education Pvt. Ltd. recommends the customer to determine the most up-to-date price for his courses, including the costs for others from DIYguru Education Pvt. Ltd. at the time of booking. Upon confirmation, an increase in the price of the course will be made as a result of changes in the
materials, processes, workshop, taxes, currency fluctuations, etc., which are effective at the time the brochure is printed or posted on the Site. DIYguru reserves the right to change prices at any time before the courses are fully paid.

We as a merchant shall be under no liability whatsoever in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly out of the decline of authorization for any Transaction, on Account of the Cardholder having exceeded the preset limit mutually agreed by us with our acquiring bank from time to time.

Course Reactivation / Expiry

At DIYguru, almost all courses are of 30 days duration with 3 days of the hands-on workshop. However we give our students a validity of 3 months to complete the course and it is required for you to attend the workshop within 90 days of course activation. In case you have purchased the course and are unable to access the course, you need to pay the course renewal fee

Course Certification

The certificates are allotted to only those aspirants who have successfully concluded their course both online lectures and workshop. So if your course is not finished yet gear up and complete the course within the time limits and if your course is already expired then apply for our one-month subscription plan to accomplish the program.
Click on for the subscription.


In the event that any clause or condition contained herein is unlawful or void by law, public order or otherwise, the term or condition shall be deemed severable
from this Agreement or amended to the extent necessary so that all other terms and conditions survive and are considered binding.


These Terms and Conditions will be to the benefit and binding for DIYguru Education Pvt. Ltd. and the Client and their respective heirs, personal legal
representatives, successors and assigns. 


All information and other things on the website are the exclusive property of and its licensors or customers and are protected by copyright laws. All legal rights not explicitly permitted under these conditions are explicitly reserved.

Thank you for subscribing our Courses. For details on our refund deadlines and policies, please refer to the information below;  We at DIYguru ensures detailed content quality experience through our courses. We provide full support with enrollment, purchase and completion of our courses. Please note that we treat violations of our Terms of Use very seriously, and we have no obligation to offer refunds to learners who are found to be violating these terms, even if their requests are made within the designated refund period.

We always advise reviewing the online videos/content available on DIYguru for getting an overview of our teaching and lectures that we provide, before finalising enrollment in any of our courses. It is important to a checklist of provided amenities during the course(online/offline), to make a well informed­ decision. However, in any case, if anyone still wants a refund, can apply for the same within first 3 days from date of enrollment and submitting a valid reason for cancelling the course subscription and will be surely taken care of.


Registration Fee Refund: No refund of Registration Fee shall be made under any circumstances whatsoever.

Refund before 1 week of Start of the workshop: If any student pays the fee for any workshop and wants to withdraw his amount submitted for the workshop can apply for the same with a valid reason and at least 3 days (or more) in advance from the date of the workshop in the institute. The fee paid will be refunded after deducting the processing fee, through bank transfer or cheque only. If any student pays the fee for any workshop and wants to withdraw/ask for a refund after 3 days and before the start of the workshop in the institute, Fee paid will be refunded after deducting the GST taxes (18%) and rest will refund through bank transfer or cheque only. Refunds would be released 50 days from date of approval for the release of refunds through bank transfer or cheque.

If any student pays the fee for an online course, and raise the refund request within 3 days of activation, of course, 100% of the Course Fee will be refunded through bank transfer or cheque after deduction of GST taxes. Learners could only be awarded a refund in case of a valid reason submission within this period.
If any student missed the 3 days period and wants to apply for a refund post 3 days from date of enrollment, will be granted a refund through bank transfer or cheque with 22% deduction as processing amount and access charges.
Post 7 days no refund will be entertained and processed.
Refund will also not be entertained if the participant has accessed more than 50% of the course content since course activation.
In the case of instalment payments, the first instalment will consist of whole program taxes and follow the deduction of complete taxes during refund within the one-week period.
No refunds request will be entertained for instalment payments except the first instalment.

**Refunds would be released 50 days from date of approval for the release of refunds through bank transfer or cheque.

DIYguru Placement Guidelines

Updated Guidelines (Last Updated on 12th March 2020)About DIYguruDIYguru is India’s most prominent and leading Future Mobility upskilling platform for learners benefiting more than 50,000 enthusiasts across 400+ institutions through our online courses and hands-on training to acquire industry-relevant skills, accredited by AICTE, ASDC, Digital India Foundation with more than 128+ companies using the portal to upskill their students & employees which includes Bosch, Hyundai & Maruti Suzuki India, IIT Delhi, IIIT Hyderabad, IIMB to name a few. We are partners of Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog & ASDC (Automotive Skills Development Council, Govt. of India) in Electric Mobility Vision 2030. Our Electric Vehicle Nanodegree Program has been approved by National Educational Alliance for Technology, NEAT – AICTE with global certification to make students from Engineering Colleges jobready. To fulfil our organizational objective of upskilling candidates based on emerging technologies, we also deliver intensive, hands-on workshops to students and professionals across diverse sectors. Our workshops are conducted by industry experts who also help us develop and maintain the training curriculaSOP once a student is enrolled with DIYguru in Nanodegree: –Semester Wise Report Card

  • Every student can request a report card anytime during the nanodegree program via

Each assignment and project will be evaluated and graded by the DIYguru TechTeam and passing marks will be 50%. Plagiarism will be considered during the evaluation.Students have the option to resubmit the assignment and project only once.Process I: 0-7 Months: Application to Placement Assistance

  • The student eligibility for the placement assistance and process is as followers:
    • If the student has successfully completed at least 2 semesters (6 months) of the DIYguru Nanodegree program.
    • If the student has submitted all mandatory tasks and mandatory projects corresponding to the 6 months of the DIYguru Detailed Planner (refer to:
    • Following tests are to be successfully done:
      • Mid Term Viva 1 , Mid Term Viva 2 & course wise tests
        • Students will apply for mid term viva via the, once necessary tasks/projects are completed.
    • Following placement test is to be conducted successfully:
      • Placement test
  • Once the student successfully completes the above stated requirements for the six months of the nanodegree program, the student shall apply for the placement process
  • Once the student submits the request for job support, the placement team will evaluate the report card, assess the tasks/projects and will then add the student in the hiring list.
  • Rest process will be carried out by the placement team and the necessary information will be shared accordingly and the team will connect with the student directly for personalised support.

Process II: 7-12 Months

  • After successful eligibility of the placement process, DIYguru shall provide the student the dedicated support for the placement and will work closely with industries for the student.
  • DIYguru takes the responsibility of supporting in the jobs or paid internships to provide the necessary guidance to the candidate.
  • There is NO end date to the placement support, till the time a student is not hired, DIYguru will support the student in the hiring process.
  • DIYguru shall ensure that all posted jobs are technical in nature, and will offer at least 20k/month or more to the candidates.

Process III: 9-12 Months: Eligibility for refund

  • If the student completes at least the 9 months content of the 12 month program, and has completed the mandatory tasks and projects and clears the Midterm viva tests I,II and III, with the minimum overall score of 50% the student can apply for the refund from DIYguru.
  • The student can apply for refund in the following manner:
    • The student shall then submit the request for refund to the DIYguru via DIYguru shall then hold a meeting with the candidate, and if eligible, shall release up to 50% of the total fee paid (-18% GST) back to the candidate in the next 4 weeks

When the refund eligibility fails?

  • If DIYguru provided a minimum of 5 technical opportunities, and the candidate refused to sit for the interviews (for any related,non-related concerns) the eligibility for refund fails.
  • If a candidate provides his/her consent for the offer and in a later stage denies it, eligibility for the placement support and for refund, both fail.
  • If an interview is scheduled and he/she doesn’t participate in that, the candidate will be debarred from both placement or refund eligibility.

By using these Guidelines, you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this legal disclaimer. Students will be eligible to the process once they send the signed version of this document, via the job portal.

I agree to these Terms and Conditions